"Hello?" I answer, plugging my ear and hoping to hear over the stadium noise.
Aaron asks what I am doing on August 1st, because he might need to me to be somewhere... to see him... and a girl. A girl? And a specific date? I may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier but that seemed like a no brainer to me!
"Would you be needing photos before this day as well?"
Sure enough... they did! My friend, Aaron, is getting married! Tara and I quickly became Facebook friends and I must say that after getting to know her I highly approve of this joining! They are a fun loving couple and I'm happy that my dear Aaron has met such a delightful woman! Once all this wedding insanity is over, I hope we can have some good times firing up the BBQ and trying new board games!
We settled on using the Kenmore area of Historic Fredericksburg, VA for their photo shoot. It was a Sunday afternoon, the weather was perfect, and we had a really great time. The thing I like about engagement photos is seeing how the couple interact. There is nothing quite like the blush of new love!
Aaron and Tara have planned their noon-time wedding for August 1, 2009 in Historic Virginia. I look forward to spending their happy day with them!

--Have Camera, Will Travel